Distance training programs
Qigong & Self Healing for Beginners (Yuan Gong Level 1 - energy gathering)
Tian Yuan (the 1st method of Yuan Gong) + Intro in Self Healing
Distance Training Programme (5 video recordings 2 hours each + handouts)
Yuan Gong is an embodiment of the latest development in Qigong, Qigong science, and the art of life cultivation. It is a light, free and beautiful practice you can use to enhance your health, strengthen the connection with your inner self and cultivate a calm, relaxed, and natural state of being.
Tian Yuan is the first method of the Yuan Gong system. The practice of it can bring the practitioner into a deep Qigong state within a relatively short time. In this deep state, the connection with the universal Qi can be strengthened and a large amount of Original (Yuan, Hunyuan) Qi can be activated and gathered. The practice of Tian Yuan can work on Qi on a deep level, increasing the amount of Qi in the body (the life force energy) and improving its flow. By working on Sanjiao (the triple burner), the organs are also strengthened. The deep Qigong experience will also benefit the consciousness and help develop and maintain a calm, relaxed, natural state of being and a positive attitude to life as a whole. When practicing Tian Yuan, one can get a feeling of being a giant bird soaring and dancing in the vast expanse of the universe, with a strong sense of freedom, oneness, and inner joy.
As part of this course, you'll also learn the basics of the Qigong way to heal yourself and others. You will learn a very simple yet powerful and versatile practice called Pulling Qi. With the use of your consciousness and the universal qi, you'll be able to work on your own health problems or help others as well.
The training:
You'll get unlimited online access to the video recordings of the course. If watching online is not an option, you can download them onto your computer and watch them from there
You will receive a detailed handout in PDF format.
You'll get also one-hour free consultation you can use to have your form checked, discuss a routine for your practice, how to apply the methods to your particular health situation, or even receive a short individual healing.
Oriel's testimonial about this program:
"MY EXPERIENCE WITH TIAN YUAN [the first method of Yuan Gong]
It would seem that after searching for years and years for something to nourish my body and soul I have finally found what I was looking for. I will not bore you with the details of my quest, which started way back in 1991 when I was "attuned" to the first level of Reiki. Suffice to say that my journey proceeded with NLP, Huna, Shiatsu, reflexology, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Thai Massage, Breema, so on and so forth. In 1998 I learned the first stage of Zhineng QiGong from Luke Chan, who introduced it in the USA under the name of ChiLel QiGong for copyright reasons, I suppose.
It has now been nearly two weeks doing Tian Yuan and I have loved the practice more than any other QiGong practice I ever experienced.
My experience with the first method of Yuan Gong has been different from ANY OTHER APPROCHES TO ENERGY WORK AND QIGONG STYLES THAT I BECAME ACQUAINTED BEFORE.. I find Tian Yuan much more pleasurable to do. I find it is a magic invitation to transcend everyday experience. I am hoping that the "novelty effect" far from disappearing in the future will increase and will become part of my everyday life, as eating, sleeping, etc., etc. The idea of "soaring like a bird" has a charm of its own.
I find your way of teaching superb, absolutely clear and well paced. I have also found doing the exercises themselves a source of pleasure, even if at first I had to make an effort to "get the hang" of the movements.
This morning, when doing the guided practice at the very end I experienced a wonderful feeling of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, something I had never experienced before in any other practice.
Have a wonderful day!
Oriel Villagarcia,
Buenos Aires, Argentina"
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 40 and EUR 85 (BGN 80 - BGN 170). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Yuan Gong & Self Healing for Beginners (Level 2 - nourishing Qi)
Di Yuan (the 2nd method of Yuan Gong) + Yuan Gong supplementary exercises + more on Self Healing + lots of practice
Online Training Programme (4 sessions, 2 hours each)
Di Yuan is the second method of Yuan Gong. It is a standing form designed to gather Qi in the Lower, Middle, and Upper Dantians. These are the Qi distribution centers for physical Qi, organ Qi and Qi of the consciousness respectively. Therefore, strengthening Qi in the Dantians can have benefits on all levels of life. With the use of Dantian Breathing, Qi can be effectively built up and the consciousness can also be improved, including its focus, stability, and clarity. Through Di Yuan practice, one can improve the ability to maintain an internal awareness and keep the body, Qi and consciousness unified. The sustained and regular practice of Di Yuan can build the foundation necessary for improving one’s Qigong level. As a still Qigong practice, Di Yuan works well with moving practices such as Tian Yuan. The combined practice of still and moving Qigong is an effective and balanced approach to Qigong. As part of this training, you will learn how to combine different Qigong methods and techniques in order to maximize the effect of your practice.
Wall Squats, Yong Dong, Rou Qi: these are the names of some additional exercises you will learn to complement your practice of the main methods.
Maria's experience with the Wall Squats:
'On the squat front: did 25 yesterday (slowly with extra breaths in between). When I went to bed I could feel the energy moving in my lower dantian and mingmen; with every outbreath qi moved halfway up my spine. And my head was strangely empty, which was truly pleasant to experience. It lasted maybe a couple of minutes because I fell asleep very fast. Wondering where this will lead me!
Looking forward to the next discussion!
The purpose of this course is not only to teach you new practices but also to help you refine what you already know from the previous course (Level 1) - as part of each session there will be a longer practice that will include Tian Yuan.
This training is available as a distance training program, which means you'll get download links to the MP4 video recordings of the course. You will also receive detailed handouts in PDF format.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 30 and EUR 60 (BGN 60 - BGN 120). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Ren Yuan (3rd method of Yuan Gong - bring Qi to a deeper level)
Comprehensive Online Training Programme (8 sessions, 2 hours each) - suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners)
Ren Yuan belongs to the First Stage of the Yuan Gong system (External Transformation Stage) and is designed to work on Qi at a deeper level than the first two methods of this stage. Although it is the third method of the system it is very suitable for beginners too. The method requires the unification of the consciousness, Qi, and the body. When using its special Xin Fa (internal method), movement is activated by Qi.
This method is mainly to work on the physical level, including the skin, muscles, tendons and sinews, blood vessels, bones, and all of the organs by opening the channels in the body and promoting the flow of Qi in these channels. The practice of Ren Yuan can create a deep change of Qi directly in these physical parts and structures and so is very beneficial for strengthening the body, preventing illness, and improving overall health.
Ren Yuan consists of 18 parts/sections - Opening Form (1 section), 5 Main Segments (3 sections each) and Ending (2 sections). Each one of those 18 sections is for working on a specific part of the body, and therefore can be used to address the problems in that part or to strengthen it. The three sections that make up a segment work together in an organic way to make the segment a comprehensive method in itself. In other words, each of the 18 sections and each of the six segments (five main and one combining the opening and the ending) can be used as an individual method and practiced in accordance with the needs of the practitioner.
This training is available as a distance training program which means you'll get download links to the MP4 video recordings of the course. You will receive also a 45-page comprehensive manual with a detailed description of the movements, mind activities, and benefits of all parts/sections of the practice as well as photo sequences of all movements.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 50 and EUR 110 (BGN 100 - BGN 220). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Going Deeper in Ren Yuan (advanced training in Ren Yuan)
8-week course, advanced level (8 sessions, approx. 2 hours each)
About the Training: As the title suggests, the purpose of this class is to help the practitioners correct their form and further improve their practice of Ren Yuan, starting with the physical movements. Special attention will be paid to the state, the mind activities, and Xin Fa. The intention, however, is not only to learn and understand better the requirements of the practice but also to help you develop further your self-control and self-awareness on Jing, Qi, and Shen levels. This is the level where we can start using Ren Yuan as a true life cultivation tool.
This training is available as a distance training program which means you'll get links to the video recordings of all 8 sessions and you can watch them online. You will receive also a 45-page comprehensive manual with a detailed description of the movements, mind activities, and benefits of all parts/sections of the practice as well as photo sequences of all movements.
Mirjam's feedback on this course:
"Hi Vlado, I wanted to express you my gratitude for being able to participate in your workshop. I felt so comfortable with you all, as if I had been online with you all at the same time, and not just watching the recorded version alone at home. You changed the meaning of Ren Yuan for me, you helped me figure out a lot of form improvements, to understand Xin Fa at all, and not only get deeper information on it, but experience it. The Shen-Jing awareness. Wonderful, and it will take some time to make adjustments in the movements and to change the feeling of doing the "right" movements. But wonderful, and important after practicing for some time, and "needing" the adjustment ;-) All the questions asked and answered, going into detail and explain things that haven't been clear or that clear maybe, helped me to simply deepen the understanding.
So thank you again Vlado for this precious workshop. It was a wonderful experience.
With lots of love, Wu Xin
The class is open for everyone who is able to do the Ren Yuan form by following the instructional audio recording without the need for a visual demonstration. If you haven't learned Ren Yuan yet, I would recommend you do the beginner course in Ren Yuan.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 30 and EUR 80 (BGN 60 - BGN 160). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Xia Yuan (4th method of Yuan Gong - strengthen organs)
Comprehensive Online Training Programme (8 sessions, 2 hours each) - suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners
Xia Yuan is a foundational method in the Second Stage of the Yuan Gong system, the stage of Internal Transformation. Sounds, mind activity, visualization, and hand forms are used to improve the pure original Qi of the organs. Xia Yuan method works on the pure original Qi of the five Yin organs, and in turn, will also have effects on the six Yang organs which are closely connected with them. This method can strengthen organ Qi and connect and regulate the pure original Qi of the organs in the body.
Xia Yuan can activate and move the pure original Qi of the organs quickly and strongly so it can have obvious effects on improving the Qi condition and the functions of the organs. It is a simple method that is relatively easy to learn and practice. Because of its efficiency, the practice is relatively short. The practice of Xia Yuan also gives rise to strong Qi sensations.
Xia Yuan is designed in a way that allows even absolute beginners to benefit a lot from its practice. However, after completing the training in Xia Yuan it is a good idea to go back and learn the preceding methods of the system - the practice of all methods is important if one wants to get the full benefit of Yuan Gong practice.
This training is available as a distance training program which means you'll get download links to the MP4 video recordings of the course. You will receive also a 29-page comprehensive manual with a detailed description of the sounds, movements, mind activities, and benefits of all parts/sections of the practice as well as photo sequences of all movements.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 40 and EUR 130 (BGN 80 - BGN 260). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Refining Xia Yuan - follow up workshop for corrections, adjustments, and Q&A
Two sessions, 2.5 hours each
This workshop is open to everyone with prior knowledge of the Xia Yuan method. Its purpose is to help the participants correct and improve their practice of the form.
We'll practice the form once or twice stopping after each segment for instructions, adjustments, and Q&A. Special attention will be paid to the sounds, visualizations, and mind activities.
"Hi Vlado,
I just wanted to let you know how much I really enjoyed the process of learning Xia Yuan in a lot more depth and detail.
I really appreciate how well you explained this method and how it took my understanding, especially around the mind activity to a different level.
Coming from a personal training background and exercise kinesiology I have always pushed my body hard so relearning to go gentle is really a process for me.
A loving adventure I like to call it now that is exciting at the same time a lot more calmer.
Thank you for being my teacher. I love how you explain all of the details. This really helps me in where I am right now.
I feel very grateful to now be saying Yes to myself :)
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 20 and EUR 40 (BGN 40 - BGN 80). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Still Qigong (Jing Gong), Intro to Zhong Yuan & Shang Yuan (5th & 6th methods of Yuan Gong)
10-week comprehensive course (10 sessions, 2 hours each)
Zhong Yuan and Shang Yuan (the 5th and 6th methods of Yuan Gong) comprise a complete Still Qigong (Jing Gong) system. Together these methods can be seen as the 'ultimate' in this type of Qigong practice or in any practice whose main purpose is to work on Qi.
The Fifth and Sixth Methods contain many advanced and important techniques which can not only bring the work on Qi to the highest level but also help to develop, activate and strengthen pre-natal Qi, the Qi channels (including the pre-natal Central Channel and the Central Line), Yuan Shen (Original Shen) and various potential abilities. This is also a reliable way to enhance health.
Finally, the practice of Zhong Yuan and Shang Yuan strengthens the connection between the internal and the external, forming a good foundation for Shen (the source of consciousness, the True Self) and Yi (consciousness/mind) to develop awareness, awakening, and realization. This is why in many traditional disciplines (including religious practices) methods similar to some of the techniques in the Fifth and Sixth Methods are found at the core of their so-called 'Real or Solid Cultivation Work' (实修). In most of these disciplines, this way of doing 'Real or Solid Cultivation Work' is, to a large extent, thought to be able to further goals such as 'Transcending the Ordinary, Entering Sainthood, Attaining True Nature' (超凡入圣达真).
The course starts with a short introduction to Zhong Yuan and Shang Yuan. At the first session, you will also learn a practice that can help you build the foundation for the subsequent practice of these methods. In the next few sessions, you'll learn the basics of Still Qigong (Jing Gong) ie the requirements for the body posture in several different sitting positions and the hand forms that go with them, how to prepare and relax the mind, connect with Qi inside and outside you and unify yourself with your breathing. After that, the course will focus on the theory and practice of the first part of Zhong Yuan (stages 1 to 5).
Who may do the course / requirements / safety note:
The course is open for advanced practitioners as well as those who are relatively new to Qigong. Please note that some previous experience in Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, or other internal practice is required.
Please click here to familiarize yourself with the special requirements for Jing Gong practice - you'll be asked to confirm you've read this document as part of the registration for the program.
Safety note: to ensure the safety of your practice we strongly recommend not to mix the practice of Zhong Yuan and Shang Yuan with any Qi-related practices outside the Yuan Gong system. If in doubt, please contact Vlado to discuss.
This training is available via video recordings which means you'll get a download link to all video recordings of the course (the recordings will be in MP4 format). You will also receive a 62-page comprehensive manual containing the basic points of Still Qigong practice and a detailed description of all 5 stages of the first part of Zhong Yuan.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 75 and EUR 160 (BGN 150 - BGN 320). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Cultivation of the Heart (part 1)
10-week comprehensive course in Tong Yuan (Wu Xin Gong)
The practice of Tong Yuan can help transform and elevate the Heart, so it can be Pure and Bright. It lays the foundation for the work on a deeper level of consciousness and is an essential prerequisite for the work on the unhealthy patterns of consciousness.
Most of you have probably read the book 'Wellbeing begins with YOU' and have done some work on cultivating Trust, Openness, Love, Gratitude, and True Respect - the five most important qualities for a human heart or the way we call them: the Five Xin. This work has given good results - in fact, I don't know anyone who didn't benefit from the 5 Xin, even just by reading about them!
Now we have the opportunity to start working on these qualities in a consistent way and go much deeper by using Tong Yuan - the Yuan Gong practice specifically designed for this purpose. It's my pleasure to invite you to a journey where you can follow the call of your true nature for a heart-to-heart conversation between you and yourself, and you and everything beyond!
About Tong Yuan
Tong Yuan is the beginning of the Third Stage of the Yuan Gong system - the stage for 'Transformation and Elevation of the Heart (Xin) and the Self (Shen)' (心神轉升). Tong Yuan is a method that is specifically designed to help us cultivate the five essential qualities of human nature (5 Xin). Through work on each of the Five Xin, they can be developed and strengthened. This is an important way of constructing the Heart Consciousness (Xin Ling), which is essential for the transformation of life as a whole.
About the Training
It is a 10-week training that will help you connect with your heart, get to know it better, and further develop its innate essential qualities. There are 10 sessions altogether (ideally you would do one session every week). The duration of each session is about 2.5 hours. About 1/3 of the session time will be dedicated to practice in a supportive, purpose-built Qi-field.
To get the most out of the training it is recommended to practice the method for about 30 minutes on a daily basis. This way for the duration of the course you'll get a total of 64 practices of Tong Yuan. For most people, this amount of practice will be sufficient to initiate a shift in Xin Ling (the consciousness of the heart) and experience the benefits of that shift :).
Although you will be doing the training via recordings, the Qifield is still there for you to support you - you just need to consciously connect to it (there will be instructions on how to do that at the beginning of each of the sessions).
Who can do this training
This training is open for everyone who is keen to purify and cultivate their Heart and build barrier-free communication that promotes the unification of Shen with all the 'Xin' information in the universe. No previous experience in Qigong is required.
How you can do it
You can choose between two different ways of doing the training:
• watching the sessions online
• or downloading the MP4 Recordings onto your computer and watching them offline.
Preparation suggestions:
1. Read / re-read "Wellbeing begins with YOU" by Yuan Tze - the information in that book will serve us as a platform to build on. The 5 Xin qualities are explained in Chapter 3 (The Healthy Life), however, if you haven't read the book I suggest you start reading it from the beginning.
2. Build up your Qi by practicing Qigong on a daily basis - your Xin Ling needs lots of Qi for that shift!
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 60 and EUR 140 (BGN 120 - BGN 280). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
5 Xin Care (Cultivation of the Heart - Part 2)
Watch the recording On-line or as Downloads
The purpose of this course is to help you further develop the 5 Xin and strengthen their presence in your everyday life.
Five Xin Care is part of Yuan Ming Methods. Its original name in Chinese is ‘Wu Xin Tiao Yang’ (調養五⼼). What does it mean? Tiao means ‘adjusting’, ‘correcting’, ‘changing’. Yang means ‘cultivating’, ‘nursing’, ‘nurturing’, ‘caring’. Five Xin Care, like the Yi Qi technique and pattern healing, is an important component of Totality Healing.
Tong Yuan and Five Xin Care complement each other. With the help of Five Xin Care, we can go deeper in our work on Xin Ling. Five Xin Care is a set of techniques targeting numerous conditions - the practitioner can select from the ‘toolbox’ ;). With these techniques, the work on Xin can be safe and effective.
Five Xin Care employs two approaches: one is to work directly on Five Xin, and the other is to work on the obstacles that make it difficult for Five Xin to manifest. Please note that the use of these tools is not limited to Five Xin, hence the scope of the discussion of the techniques may go beyond Five Xin Care.
The Five Xin Care techniques can be used to work on our own Xin Ling but also to help others with their problems. The focus of this course is more on the internal use of Five Xin Care i.e. for strengthening and developing the 5 Xin of the practitioner's own Xin Ling.
This course can be seen as a continuation of the Tong Yuan course. The format is very much like the one of Cultivation of the Heart Part 1 – every session starts with a few minutes for strengthening and refreshing the Qifield, then we look at the participants' feedback and questions, after which I teach a new Wu Xin Care technique. At the end of the session, we do a group practice of Tong Yuan.
Cultivation of the Heart - Part 2 covers the first five of the twenty two Five Xin Care techniques.
Who may attend:
Attendees must have learned Tong Yuan properly (click here for info about the 10-week pre-recorded course in Tong Yuan).
You can do the course in 2 different ways:
Watch the video recording online (on YouTube)
Get the downloadable version of the video recordings in MP4 format
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 30 and EUR 80 (BGN 60 - BGN 160). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Ling Yuan - method for Reaching True Nature (the 8th method of Yuan Gong)
10 week practical course in Ling Yuan
Ling Yuan is also called the ‘Method for Reaching True Nature’. True Nature is the nature of Shen - the True Self. The practice of Ling Yuan is a process for cultivating awareness, awakening and realization – and the development of these will contribute to the manifestation of Shen’s true nature.
What is Shen’s true nature? It is a high level of freedom, autonomy, and wisdom. When Shen’s true nature is not manifesting, pain and suffering is most likely unavoidable in life.
But how come Shen’s true nature is not manifesting? It is because in most people Shen is covered up by the activities of the consciousness. The consciousness is constantly acting on behalf of Shen and the way it operates is through patterns. Problems arise when the patterns are not aligned with true nature. In other words, many of the patterns of consciousness work against Shen - and this is where the deepest roots of human problems can be found.
Ling Yuan is a practice to help work on these patterns. When these patterns are identified and changed to align with Shen, the cover that obscures the manifestation of Shen’s true nature will be gradually dismantled and Shen will start to show.
About the Training
It will be a 10-week PRACTICAL training where you as a participant will have the opportunity to focus on a specific pattern of your choice with the intention to work on it until it's fully transformed/replaced by a better and healthier pattern.
You will receive guidance throughout the whole process, which involves choosing an appropriate 'case study' pattern, finding a specific manifestation you can use to measure the progress of your work, ‘dissecting’ the pattern, and getting a deeper and more intimate understanding of its causes and reasons for existence, creating clear intention, finding an appropriate replacement pattern and going through the many stages of applying the new pattern until it is fully integrated with the consciousness.
The idea behind this training is to start with something simple and small and use it to gain an understanding of the pattern work, experience the process, forge skills, and most importantly build up CONFIDENCE that can be used later on when dealing with more stubborn and complex patterns.
There will be ten sessions altogether – one session per week with a duration between 2 and 2.5 hours.
The work will be done in a strong and supportive Qifield which will be refreshed and strengthened at the beginning of each session.
At each session, there will be time for reviewing your feedback and making suggestions for adjustments to your approach and practice.
Each session will end with a group practice of Ling Yuan.
This course will serve also as a FORUM where you can share your experience, difficulties and success, receive help but also help others. My intention is to involve other qualified Yuan Gong teachers in the process so you'll be able to hear more than one perspective on your questions and feedback. We all will be working as a team, learning from each other and supporting each other.
To sign up for this training you need to have learned Tong Yuan properly and practiced it in a consistent way for at least 3 months. If you are not familiar with Tong Yuan you may consider doing one or two of the following distance training programs:
Cultivation of the Heart - 10-week comprehensive course in Tong Yuan (click here for all details)
Cultivation of the Heart: Part 2 - Five Xin Care Techniques (click here for all details)
Who can benefit from this training?
This training is suitable for:
Tong Yuan practitioners with no prior knowledge or experience in Ling Yuan. The course will cover all of the theories for the method. Also, there will be plenty of time to immerse into the practice of Ling Yuan and build a good foundation for work on deeper levels of consciousness.
Practitioners who are already familiar with Ling Yuan. They will have the opportunity to widen their perspective of the pattern work by taking advantage of the new information, the sharing in the group, and the support of the Qifield. This will be also a good opportunity for establishing and refining their own style of Ling Yuan and bring its practice to a higher level.
Ways of doing this training
You can do the training via video recordings of the 10 sessions. The duration of each session will be between 2 and 2.5 hours. You will receive also a comprehensive manual in Ling Yuan in PDF format.
How to prepare for the training
Shift the focus of your Yuan Gong practice to Tong Yuan - the awareness of the heart is of utmost importance for the practice of Ling Yuan so it will be good if you create a Xin-awareness-momentum you can use at the start of the course. If you need a refresher on Tong Yuan you may consider purchasing one of the distance training programs mentioned in the 'Prerequisites' section above.
You can also re-read the book Wellbeing begins with YOU, paying particular attention to the chapters about patterns.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 80 and EUR 160 (BGN 160 - BGN 320). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Yuan Gong retreat videos for Practice, Healing and Learning
On 24 Jan 2016, the Qi-field of the Full Moon Retreat brought together 35 people from New Zealand, the USA, Australia, Argentina, Canada, UK, Belgium, and Mexico. We had a day full of Yuan Gong practice, Yi-Qi-therapy, and discussions on life cultivation. Since then more than 20 Full Moon retreats have been held online.
The retreats are conducted in a specially built Qi-field around Full Moon. Doing a retreat via the recordings can help you connect with that Qi-field and take advantage not only of the stronger Qi but also of the life uplifting information the Qi-field carries in it.
These one-day events are suitable and can benefit both beginners and advanced practitioners. They are filled with Qigong practice (Yuan Gong), healing and self-healing (Yuan Ming Methods i.e. both Qi-therapy and Totality Healing), and life cultivation discussions (lead from the perspective of Ren Xue and the wisdom culture).
Set a day aside and do your own retreat in the comfort of your own home! Click here to read some of the testimonials.
How does it work? You will be sent a link you can use to access online the recordings of the event of your choice. You'll receive also some supporting materials in PDF format such as the program with all activities of the event and handouts (if available for that event). Click here to view a sample one-day retreat program.
Currently available events:
• Full Moon retreat #25 - main theme: NEGATIVITY.
• Full Moon retreat #24 - main theme: STUBBORNNESS.
• Full Moon retreat #23 - main theme: TRUE SELF.
• Full Moon retreat #22 - main theme: GONGJING.
• Full Moon retreat #21 - main theme: ACCEPTANCE.
• Full Moon retreat #20 - main theme: 5 XIN.
• Full Moon retreat #19 - main theme: POLARIZED THINKING.
• Full Moon retreat #18 - main theme: TRANSFORMATION of PATTERNS.
• Full Moon retreat #17 - main theme: MEANING OF LIFE.
• Full Moon retreat #16 - main theme: CALMNESS.
• Full Moon retreat #15 - main theme: GROWTH.
• Full Moon retreat #14 - main theme: LIVING IN THE NOW.
• Full Moon retreat #13 - main theme: INNER JOY.
• Full Moon retreat #12 - main theme: INNER LIGHT.
• Full Moon retreat #11 - main theme: CELEBRATE (in Ren Xue way).
• Full Moon retreat #10 - main theme: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
• Full Moon retreat #9 - main theme: ACCEPTANCE.
• Full Moon retreat #8 - main theme: FORGIVENESS.
• Full Moon retreat #7 - main theme: GRATITUDE.
• Full Moon retreat #6 - main theme: TRUE LOVE.
• Full Moon retreat #5 - main theme: TRUST.
• Full Moon retreat #4 - main theme: ONENESS.
• Full Moon retreat #3 - main theme: THE THREE UNIFICATIONS.
• Full Moon retreat #2 - main theme: BEING TRUE.
• Full Moon retreat #1 - main theme: CALM, RELAXED & NATURAL STATE.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 20 and EUR 50 (BGN 40 - BGN 100). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Group Qi-therapy (group healing session)
Downloadable MP4 video + additional MP3 audio version of the same session
Qi-therapy or healing with the use of consciousness and Qi can be given either to an individual or to a group of people. The instructions are simple and easy to follow.
If one manages to stay focused and in a good state throughout the session, the effect could be astonishing. Actually, there is no limit to what one can achieve with this type of healing - from just an improved feeling of well-being to a major breakthrough of a serious illness.
Video recordings from multiple group healing sessions are available for purchase.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 10 and EUR 30 (BGN 20 - BGN 60). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Wall Squats 'Challenge'
Three-hour workshop on Wall Squats - one of the most natural & versatile moving exercises the Qigong Masters have come up with!
The purpose of the workshop is to help the participants adjust, improve and refine their practice of Wall Squats, increase the awareness of the benefits of the practice, experience the effect of the Wall Squats when doing them in a stronger and purpose build Qifield and last but by no means least - help strengthen the motivation for the practice.
Prerequisites for doing the workshop:
knowing the requirements for the practice of the exercise
have been practicing the Wall Squats for at least one month
The workshop starts with building a Qi-field for the event followed by participants sharing their success stories and the challenges they have overcome (some of which I find quite inspirational!). It continues with time for Q&A (click here to view some of the feedback and the questions asked).
The second part of the workshop is the actual 'Challenge'. It starts with an exercise for warming up the knee joints, followed by a few 'Pour Qi Down' movements to help relax the body and balance the overall Qi. Then comes the main part – the practice of Wall Squats.
The duration of the main part (doing the squats) is about 45 minutes, which is sufficient for doing about 100 squats in a slow and relaxed way, however, it doesn’t mean you have to do that many. What you should do is consider your own level of fitness and health conditions. For instance, if you usually do 10, you can try doing 12 or 13, if you can do 20-25, try doing 30. If you know you can do 50, it will be very likely you’ll be able to do 60. Or if you can do 100, you don’t have to stop with me – you can keep going for as long as you like!
When you have done your share of squats, you can sit and nourish Qi at Lower Dantian and enjoy the feeling inside. Or continue with some Dantian Breathing, Pulling Qi, or other Still Qigong practice.
Please note the purpose of this ‘challenge’ is not to make you exhausted and leave you in a Qi-depleted state. Rather, it is to give you an opportunity to enjoy a nourishing and revitalizing practice in an uplifting and joyous Qifield. Opportunity to celebrate Qi and Life and cultivate a state of Gratitude and Gongjing.
The practice finishes with pouring Qi down a few more times to smooth, balance, and harmonize Qi of the whole body. At the very end, we also strengthen the positive and uplifting information in our individual Qi-fields/laws of life.
'Hi Vlado,
I want to make a feedback of the squat "challenge".
The squat practice was excellent, super, great, wondrous.
I used to do 50 squats and during the challenge I did 105. I could do more but I preferred to stop.
One hour ago I did again the practice and again I did 105. I´m not tired and I enjoyed the practice.
Take care & brightest Qi,
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 10 and EUR 20 (BGN 20 - BGN 40). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Qigong for a Good Night's Sleep - training video recordings
Two hour workshop for beginners
You will learn two simple but effective Qigong techniques that can help you not only to faster fall asleep but also improve the quality of your sleep. You will learn what are the prerequisites for a good night's sleep from the perspective of Qi and consciousness and what you can do to adjust your daily routine in accordance with that. What are the lying postures that promote the free flow of your Qi as well as some good mind activities that can help you relax the mind and switch it off :).
The exercises covered in the workshop are:
• Pour Qi Relaxation and
• Breathing for going to sleep
The package includes two videos from the workshop in MP4 video format and handouts in PDF format. The total duration of the workshop videos is 2 hours.
You can also book an individual session (online or in-person) you can use to have your practice checked, get answers to any questions that may have arisen during your learning from the videos as well as receive further advice on your practice.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 20 and EUR 40 (BGN 40 - BGN 80). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Medical Qigong for the Kidneys, Lower Spine, Reproductive and Urinary systems
2-hour workshop
You will learn two simple but effective Qigong techniques that can help you improve the functions of the Kidneys, Reproductive organs, and Urinary system. The practice of these exercises will have a positive effect also on the rest of the organs in the lower abdomen area and will help you loosen up the hip joins and work on problems of the lower spine.
From Qi perspective, these exercises are particularly effective in strengthening Kidney Qi, Mingmen Qi, and Lower Dantian Qi. Qi in these areas is vital for overall health. Lower Dantian is an important Qi gathering place for physical Hunyuan Qi, and the Kidney Qi is the source Qi of life. When Qi in this area is weak or unhealthy, there will often be signs of aging or weakness. Problems such as early menopause in women and prostate disorders in men may start to show. These conditions often have something to do with weak Kidney and Dantian Qi.
You will learn also what affects your vital Qi the most and get some tips on how to protect and take better care of your health on physical, emotional, and mental levels.
The exercises covered in the workshop are:
Turn Waist, Swirl Hips, Qi Back to Dantian and
Return Yang Lying Form
The package includes two videos from the workshop in MP4 video format, handouts in PDF format, and half an hour (optional) online or in-person consultation you can use to have your practice checked, get answers to any questions that may have arisen during your learning from the videos as well as to receive further advice on your practice.
The total duration of the workshop videos is 2 hours.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 20 and EUR 40 (BGN 40 - BGN 80). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Everyday Life Qigong & the Art of Life Cultivation
training video recordings of a 7-week course (7 sessions, 2 hours each)
What is Everyday Life Qigong? We all enjoy the feeling and state we get from doing our daily Qigong practice. However, very soon after the end of the practice, we go back to our usual way of living (and thinking). We start depleting our Qi again and we lose the special state Qigong has brought us into.
Is there a way we can preserve this precious state of being calm, relaxed, natural, and joyful, as well as the Qi we have gathered through our 30-60 min Qigong practice?
The answer is positive: yes, we can do that by applying some of the fundamental principles of Qigong and Life Cultivation Wisdom Culture to our everyday life activities. And the good news is that we can apply Everyday Life Qigong to virtually everything we do e.g. sitting, standing, walking, eating, sleeping, talking, watching, listening, reading, working, thinking, driving a car, etc. This way we could not only preserve and enhance our Qi (and state) but also bring these activities to a very different level making them safer, more efficient, and last but not least, more enjoyable :).
Everyday Life Qigong is an excellent way of maintaining a stable and high level of Qi, essential for a healthy body and mind. For senior Qigong practitioners, this is also an important way to bring their practice to an even deeper level. One can use Everyday Life Qigong to get to the level where one is 'practicing Qigong all the time without doing any specific practice'.
This one-of-a-kind course covers a variety of Qigong techniques for sitting, standing, walking, talking, lying (sleeping), breathing, etc. Special attention will be paid to the ways we can deal with our habits, thinking patterns, and emotions. The theories will cover some of the most fundamental principles of Life Cultivation with the help of which we can gradually bring our lives to a higher level of existence.
Prerequisites for doing the course:
To benefit from this training a basic understanding of Qi and previous experience in Qigong is needed. If you haven't done Qigong before, please talk to Vlado - you may need to book a few private sessions to learn the basics or ideally do a Beginner Course.
Contents of the package:
14 hours of video recordings in MP4 format + 28 pages handouts in PDF format
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 50 and EUR 140 (BGN 100 - BGN 280). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Eating Qi Technique Workshop
Two hour workshop
'Dear Vlado, I would like to let you know that I have had a very positive response to it [the practice of Eating Qi technique]. I have been doing the eating qi practice most days ( maybe 5x.week ) since learning it . Usually I do it first thing in the mornings before wall squats. I generally eat 4 to 7 portions.
I did not notice any changes initially (although it gave a pleasant feeling). However since the end of May, I have noticed an increase in energy during the day and therefore an elevation of mood. I have been chronically fatigued the last 7 to 8 or more years. Family circumstances have been very stressful with a acutely and then chronically ill partner over the last 5 plus years.
Since noticing the change I have made an effort to do it daily. I am so relieved I learned this technique from you. Finally, something is helping on a daily practical level. I can only attribute the change to this practice as I have been doing qigong practice almost daily over the past 5 to 6 years too. I have had helpful results from the regular practice but eating qi has been the extra qi boost that I needed.
Thank you, Vlado.
Rosie Mok'
This particular Qigong technique is mentioned in Voyage to the Shore – Part 2 but the description is omitted due to the difficulty of describing it in writing. During the years students kept asking me about this unique technique until I finally decided to organize a workshop for it. Actually, this might be the first time this technique is taught to the general public in the west and this makes the event quite special to me too.
What are the Benefits of Eating Qi?
“The ‘Eating Qi’ technique works deep on the level of ‘External Hunyuan’. Compared to the Qi built up through other External Hunyuan methods, the Qi obtained through Eating Qi is more like the Qi of the organs and the Qi of certain gates and orifices, hence less processing is needed. This means it can have immediate and strong effects. When you feel tired, Eating Qi can replenish Qi and lift energy levels instantly. When you feel hungry, Eating Qi can relieve the sense of hunger. Fasting is very popular these days. Fasting is actually something that happens naturally at a certain stage of practice, rather than something anyone can just get into. The way it is practised now can often be very dangerous. In traditional practice, there are many requirements for fasting and these have to be followed strictly. The ability to eat Qi is one of them. When Qigong practice and life cultivation reach a certain level, special abilities can also advance to a higher level. For example, remote vision, the ability to see things clearly from hundreds or thousands of miles away, can develop as a result of the opening of Tianmen, which gives Shen the chance to exercise its ability to see. The use of remote vision can result in a large amount of Qi going out and very little coming back if the Qi gate inside the Adam’s apple is not open, and, as a result, the practitioner’s life can be shortened substantially. Therefore, at this level the opening of this Qi gate is essential. Opening the Qi gate involves practice on many levels. Eating Qi can help with the opening process at the initial stage.”
Yuan Tze, Voyage to the Shore - Part 2
Who can attend the workshop?
Anyone who has practiced Qigong for at least one year and has developed some qi-awareness.
The workshop is not recommended for absolute beginners.
What will you learn?
1. A combination of two techniques:
- Eating Qi: the movements, sounds, and mind activities of the technique
- Special version of Rubbing Qi designed to help the absorption and utilization of the qi taken in by Eating Qi
2. Some of the theories behind these techniques.
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 20 and EUR 50 (BGN 40 - BGN 100). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Eating Qi Technique - follow up session
One hour workshop - continuation of Eating Qi Workshop
Session goals and contents:
• Provide you with feedback on how everyone else is doing, what your achievements, challenges, and uncertainties are
• Answer/discuss any commonly asked questions
• Vlado shares his own experience and the ways he incorporates the Eating Qi technique with his other Qigong practice
• Do some practice together in a stronger qi-field
Suggested donation:
Anything between EUR 10 and EUR 30 (BGN 20 - BGN 60). Please take into account your income too.
To order, contact Vlado (Contacts)
Note: Not all available distance training programs are listed here. For an even greater choice of video recordings, programs, and self-learning packages contact Vlado (Contacts).